The RCP is also calling for increases in the real price of tobacco, measures to tackle tobacco smuggling and illegal trading, and investment in media campaigns targeted at young people. 皇家医学院还呼吁上涨烟草价格,采取措施,控制烟草走私和非法贩卖,加大媒体针对青少年的宣传力度。
Sanctions must exact a real price. 各种制裁必须迫使对方付出实际的代价。
Lambs are sold for a quarter of their real price in 1970. 在1970年,羊的售价仅是它真正价值的四分之一。
But since the end of 2001, the real price of oil has risen some six-fold. 但是,自2001年末以来,石油的实际价格已经上涨了近6倍。
Research on the Relationship of Excess Liquidity with Real Estate Price in China 我国资金流动性过剩与房地产价格关系研究
But if the futures markets do not converge with cash markets, there is little information on what real price levels should be, either for producers or consumers of the commodity in question. 但如果期货市场不与现货市场重叠,那么对于相关商品的生产者及消费者而言,反映现货真实价格的信息就会很少。
That might tip off what the real price should be. 只要他出价,赌签真实总值也就可能有个眉目了。
Interactive Mechanism and Positive Analysis of Credit Constraint, Real Estate Price and Macro-economy 信贷约束、房地产价格与宏观经济的互动机理与实证分析
The real price of oil is also very high, by historical standards ( see chart). 此外,以历史标准来衡量,石油的实际价格正处在极高的水平(见图表)。
If we were able to have a platform where prices became more transparent, where we know what is trading during the day, it would help the bank [ and] the buy side to have a better view of what the real price is, he said. 他表示:如果我们能够建立一个价格更透明、日常交易更容易理解的平台,将有助于银行[和]买方对真实价格有别更准确的认识。
Someone said that the real estate price in Pudong is so high because of these outside speculators. 有人说,房地产价格在浦东是如此之高,因为这些境外投机者。
Today, the real price is higher than since the beginning of the previous century. 今天,石油的实际价格已经比上世纪初以来的任何时候都高。
The real price of gold "wants" to rise; if you try to peg the nominal price level to gold, that can only happen through severe deflation. 如果你试图把金子固定在一个名义价格水平,那么金子的实际价格就“要”上涨,这只能是通过严重的通缩才可能发生。
For one thing, the travelers buy them quite cheap while their friends shall fell a sense of value because they don't know the real price anyway. 一方面对于游客来说,成本较低,二来送给朋友时,朋友也不知道价格,会感觉有价值感。
Buying gold in its last parabolic surge proved to be a disastrous decision as the yellow metal then entered a 20-year bear market in which its real price fell 80 per cent. 在上一次抛物线式的金价飙升过程中,购买黄金被证明是一个灾难性的决定,因为接下来黄金进入了一个长达20年的熊市,黄金实际价格下挫80%。
The advantage here is that you can have a really nice period house for a real good price. 这里的优点就是,你可以买到一个漂亮的房子,价钱又是比较现实的。
The miners disagree and maintain that the spot market represents the real price. 矿商不赞同这一说法,坚称现货市场反映了真实的价格。
The Relationship between China's Real Estate Price Variation and Inflation 我国房地产价格变动与通货膨胀关系
The reference price as follows, and the real price completely depends on the market price. 以下价格为参考价,实际价格一律以市场价格为准。
Research on the Real Estate Price and the Inflation Rate of China 我国房地产价格波动与通货膨胀相关关系的研究
Economics Analysis of The Law of the Real Estate Price Floating; 房地产定价又是学术界和企业界的研究热点之一。
Another one of the factors 'diffusion methods is to diffuse by the shortest access time on the real road, which is more reasonable and consistent with the real price of the land. 另一种是实际道路最短到达时间扩散方法,使定级因子扩散的结果更加合理。
The main purpose of the Chinese power system reform is to break the monopoly, introduce competition, increase efficiency, reduce cost, and provide power to users at real price. 电力体制改革的主要目的是打破垄断、引入竞争、提高效率、降低成本,真正还用户以真实的电价。
As an important variable, expectation price affects the behaviors of consumer and producer in micro-market. Expectation price of producer contains not only the past expectation price and real price but also the past supply and demand. 微观市场预期价格作为一个重要的变量,影响着消费者的消费行为和生产者的供给行为,而生产者对产品的价格预期,不仅包含过去的价格决策和实际价格信号,而且还会考虑过去的供求状况。
In the end, the divorce of environmental true price and real price makes the manifested comparative advantage separated from the true comparative advantage, and then destroys the efficiency and impartiality. 环境真实价格与现实价格的脱离,使显示的比较优势有可能与真实的比较优势发生偏离,从而损害效率与公平。
"Compensation for price difference" is used by some retail businesses in some cities in China. Some hold that it is a new form of "price war" and worry about the possibility of the break-out of real price war if this method works. 差价补偿在国内一些城市的某些商品零售业出现,有人认为它是价格战的一种新的形式,担心差价补偿的推出,会导致价格大战一触即发。
Therefore, in the stock market, its price is higher than the real price, which the "dummy" is formed. 因此,在证券市场上,股票价格往往高于其真实价格(每股净资产价值),从而具有了虚拟成分。
With the expansion of urban structure and development of national economy, the benchmark land price bounds to have comparatively big difference from the real price of the land market. 随着城市空间结构的拓展和国民经济的发展,地价的因素及其重要性都不同程度的发生了变化,基准地价与土地市场实际价格必然会产生差异。
However, the stock market can carry this function out with precondition: fixing a real price for the stock. 然而,股票市场能充分发挥其作用是有前提条件的,它要求一国股票能被准确定价。
Manipulators gain financial benefits by deliberately manipulating the security market price, distorting its real price and talking masses of investors into investing in security trade. 其通过人为地影响证券市场的价格形成,扭曲证券市场的真实价格,欺骗广大投资者进行证券交易而从中牟利。